The secret of being happy !!
The secret of being happy lies in the word "Be Happy" itself. Just check out how -
B - Be grateful for all that you have in your life. Count your blessings and thank the Almighty for being so kind to you.
E - Engage your mind in learning new things everyday. Life is a school where there is something to learn every moment.
H - Have faith in yourself and never underestimate your strength. Life is a school where this is something to learn every moment.
A - Act on everything and anything that you set your mind on. It's never too late for anything. Don't let things like age, qualification etc deter you. JUST DO IT!
P - Pursue your goals and set new goals to have something to do everyday.
P - Pause yourself - Once in a while just pause yourself to regain strength to move ahead again in gusto.
Y -YES!!! Say YES to everything that comes to you in life and be positive about everything that's happening around you. Everything happens for a reason.