A peddler of dreams

When I was a kid, there used to be a small shop outside my school gate. The shopkeeper sold many different things ranging from stationary items, to toys to key chains and chocolates. For a 8 year old me, he was the peddler of dreams for he sold all that I dreamt of. A pink pencil which was as long as my hand, a doll that blinked her eyes, a chocolate in the shape of a red teddy bear, a keychain which could have my name engraved on it... the list was endless. I used to stare at that shop for long as I waited for my auto driver to pick me up from school. Lost in my thoughts, counting my dreams that could come true in that shop I would gape at it in amazement wondering when will it all happen and when it will, what will I do. As I grew up I learnt dreams are never sold in shops, rather what is sold in these shops become dreams for us.

His shop was nothing like this and yet for me it was like this ( Pic Source: Google Images)

I love traveling a lot and thanks to my job off late I have been travelling a lot. Luckily I have managed to find such peddler of dreams in various cities who still sell what I dream of. So Mumbai has my peddler of love there as that city somehow denotes love for me. Everytime I am hurting and I go there, it makes me fall in love once again, with life and with myself. I call it my first love, always soothing, unforgettable, however much you move on it life the strains of it always remain with you carefully etched on your heart and soul forever. That is Mumbai for me.

Then I have Delhi who is the peddler of joy for me. It is my childhood city that reminds me of the smiles I had shared here making me smile just at the thought of it. My recent trips there have ensured more smiles to me in many ways, making me believe my peddler there still exists.Then of course my hometown where I did my schooling. That is my peddler of fun for me. My room, my stuff toys, my books, my swing.. everything that has  a strange sense of "my" associated with it letting me be the fussy 15 year old I always wanted to be.

Today when I travel I somehow find my dreams merging with the places I go and at some places new dreams taking shape. I have made the whole world a peddler of dreams for me as I see dreams everywhere around me, inviting me to touch them and make them come true.

I somehow love this picture of mine a lot. The sunshine reflective of all the good times in life, the bus symbolic of being in a constant journey of life and that slight smile beckoning all that comes my way through open arms, a purse besides depicting a bag full of memories that we will collect on this journey and relive when we need them to.

Sharing some of my random thoughts on travelling, life and other such mystical experiences:

Moving ahead the path might not clear, there might be bumps and potholes. But that path also IS the path that leads you to where you want to be and NOTHING should be the deterrent to it.
 The road might not seem to be leading to anywhere but in the end it does lead to somewhere as we keep moving ahead in the journey of LIFE.

There's something about the never ending roads on highway. At one point they seem to be leading to nowhere and all of a sudden you reach a point where they lead to everywhere. That's how life is. Stuck one moment and running madly the other!


Sometimes walking on the un trodden paths is necessary for you never know which one will lead to your destination!

Some roads lead to nowhere, yet we tread on them... Coz sometimes its important to just keep moving on rather than halt midway and feel lost! 

It feels good at times to leave behind the known and tread on the unknown paths for the joy of finding something new is unmatched for! 


It isn't about the grey skies its about the peeping sun,

It isn't about the falling rain drops its about the smell of a soaked mother earth,

It isn't about a bad beginning its about a happy ending!


Standing at the runway today I wished I was a plane - strutting my wings, waiting to take off, carrying so many dreams, desires, hearts and smiles within me....... To fly high, touch the sky and come down only to fly again!

We need people in our life not because we can't find our own way out but because we need company to make this journey seem worthwhile! 


A warm Monday morning where the fog has ensured you see only the things around you

Nature has its own ways of telling you - How important it is to concrete only on things around you, within your arms length and live in that present moments without worrying about what lies few metres ahead!

P.S: Do like my FB page to keep reading such random thoughts on Life-As I see it!
P.P.S: This post's title is borrowed from a very dear friend Tapo who blogs at My Magic Slate and has an amazing story by this name. You can read it HERE.

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