Last but not the least!

With a very heavy heart I begin to attempt the last Tuesday prompt by Preeti Shenoy.........

1. If you had Rs.50,000 to just blow up (you have to spend it on YOURSELF. Giving to Charity or buying gifts for others not allowed), what would you spend it on and why?

I want to buy a house of my own and am currently saving for it - hence this amount will definitely be added to that.
2. Name three of your closest friends (not family or spouse) and say why you love them.
  • V  - I love you for being the wind beneath my wings!
  • H - I love you for holding my hand so firmly when every body else just seemed to be leaving it for some or the other reason.
  • N - I love you for simply there every time I have needed you; you truly make it seem "Distances don't matter."
3. Name three books which have profoundly affected you and which you would recommend to everyone to read.

[1]Chicken Soup Series - I have over 20 titles from this series and I still crave for more. As written in my earlier post, I live by them. For me they are like a friend. They are that shoulder I lean on in times of trouble. Every time I am looking for some serious answers I just have to pick one of these and I get all my answers.

[2] P.S : I Love You - The story is very beautiful and heart touching. It re-emphasizes on 2 things; firstly always value what you have before you lose it and secondly never lose a moment in letting someone know you care, you never know when that could be the last moment together.

[3] Life is what you make it - This book simply for the reason that it denotes the uncertainty of life. We tend to take so many things around us for granted that sometimes its too late by the time we realize their value.

4. If you know for certain that you can never ever fail, what would you attempt to do?

I could be cheating but I would attempt two things :

[1] Pursue a PhD which I always wanted to do.
[2] Write my book- which I seem to be procrastinating for the fear of the unknown.

5. What is THE ONE THING that you want very very badly?

A very tough one; I just cant seem to put my finger on one thing that I want very badly. On second thoughts I guess I want to remain ME all my life and not let anything change me at all.

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