Me and My God

Recently I have been reading a book titled "God & I" -by Times Group Books, which is based on different thoughts and observations of various celebrities on their relationship with God . The Sunday Times of India carries a column with the same title, and this book is a collection of those. 

The overall experience of reading this book is very spiritual and it pushed me to think about my own relationship with God.

God & I by Times Group Books

“When you have come to the edge Of all light that you know And are about to drop off into the darkness Of the unknown, Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or You will be taught to fly - Patrick Overton [Source :]


This quote describes my relationship with God very beautifully.From being an atheist to a firm believer the journey has been a difficult one but I have no regrets. The destination was so enchanting that I never realized when the journey got over. God for me is an invisible friend who is with me at all times. I talk to Him, fight, crib, complain, scream, love, kiss, hug and laugh with Him. He is my bestest friend in the whole world. I have lot of pictures and idols of Him which have a story behind them. It could be joyous occasion of a new job or the pain of a failure. I have celebrated each occasion with Him. Whenever I am about to start something new I have found Him standing closing behind me as if saying," Don't worry, go ahead...I am there..." and watching my every step.  The beauty of this relationship is its free from any boundaries or expectations. I think of Him to be a parent who when a child does something wrong does not waste a minute in punishing. I always accept His punishments and rewards with equal grace as I firmly believe He knows what is BEST for me. My relationship with God is more like a buddy whom I look up to when I am in trouble. Whenever I need to feel his warmth and love, I just close my eyes and ask for it. Like it is said,  ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. Received I have , that too in abundance. I truly believe He is there somewhere looking at me, taking care , holding my hand and guiding me through this beautiful journey of LIFE.


Ending this on a beautiful blessing;

Source: Google Images

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