The Blog-E-Khas Awards

Finally the winners of the Blog-E-Khas Awards....

This one year has been a beautiful journey and I have tried to do everything that I wanted to once I started this blog. I added my poems, my book reviews, those daily lessons which life throws our way and last but not the least coming on FB [ Though I am still in the process of learning it!! :)]

I have got encouragement in the form of such nice comments and fellow-bloggers which has made me want to pursue it more and more. Don't worry I wont bore you more with my Oscar speech of I would like to thank A B C....Blah blah blah...

I can't wait to disclose it now as I have been planning for it since sooooooooooooo long !

The award for A beautiful blog goes to The world thats mine :)

The I love your blog award goes to MoSaiC

The award for Adorable blog goes to My musings

The Hats OFF award goes to Sentimientos

The ICYSPICY award goes to Blog De Naresh Khoisnam 

The Interesting Blog award Thoughts on Platter

The WOW Blog award to Tarang

The CHOOOCHWEET Blog award to Sip of life

The Inspiring Blog award to Indian Homemaker 

The Wonderful Woman Blogger award to Endeavours

The Golden Quill Award to SFTH

[P.S : Please note the awards have not been presented in any sequence or hierarchy]

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing such wonderful blogs and making my journey in this blogging world so worthwhile as I learnt so many things from  you all. I truly mean each and every award presented to you and also admire your writing skills to the hilt. Unlike other blog awards this award is without any T & C. So please feel free to display these on your blogs and also present them to your friends , as long as you don't mind crediting me with creating them

Cheers....all those lessons and to many more such lessons...!

Source: Google Images

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