I name thou LIFE

Another attempt in My Quest series

The quicker you go, the faster I run behind you.
Trying to hold you for a moment, hoping to hold you forever.
Playing hide and seek as we run behind the trees, 
I run as fast as I can on my two little feet.
Just when I feel I am out of breath you turn around and snigger as if to tease.
As I begin my quest again you jump and vanish amidst the greens. 

Source: Google Images
Closing my eyes I silently wish to have you by my side – today, tomorrow and forever.
With my every heartbeat I hope for it to come true.
Thinking about you wishing you were here Alas! I exclaim as a sigh escapes my lips.
Slowly I open my eyes to see you quietly perched on my shoulders
Staring at me blinking your eyes as if to tell me there is nothing to fear.
I realize how foolish I had been in chasing you so far, 
You have always been by my side waiting for me to glance
Happiness the world might call YOU, I name thou LIFE.

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