Gratitude Post # 3 - March 2019

It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” ― Germany Kent

Counting my blessings for a month that has by far been the most testing emotionally atleast in the last six months and hoping the coming months are easy on my heart:

1. Lasanga

After ages I finally managed to lay my hands on my all time favourite food - lasanga and you can only imagine how grateful I am for being able to eat it. For someone who is lactose intolerant and stays away from gluten due to strict dietary restrictions - this is a huge thing!

Source: Cafe Delites
2. Weight loss

Okay! I have lost weight. Tremendously. To an extent that I am now able to fit into clothes I had discarded a year ago because my body was constantly bloated. THIS is a great sign medically and it makes me feel great otherwise as well. So double yay to this!
Source: Dr. Oz

3. Stay in control

Like I said in the beginning of this post, this month was by far the most testing one for me - emotionally and mentally it drained me out to an extent that I was fearing a relapse of panic attacks which I had successfully managed to leave behind in 2017. I did get some of the worst anxiety attacks but the best thing is I was able to not only detect them on time but also avoid their recurrence too. Staying in control of my body and mind was a first after a long time and it means I have really managed to improve a lot since my diagnosis in 2014. Calls for a small party isn't it?

I am hoping for a month when I don't have to think what am I grateful for and the list just keeps pouring as I sit to write them down.

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