r L ife is all about relationships………..Beautiful, entertaining and invigorating relationships. Relationships give us a sense of emotional bonding with one another. They are the threads that bind us together. And we give a name to these threads: Friends, Lovers, Parents, Spouse, Grandparents, Brother, Sister……… And the list is endless. It seems surprising that we play so many roles in our day-to-day lives. Sometimes we are so entangled within ourselves that with the passage of time these threads fade. They do exist, but only for the sake of existence. We are too busy to acknowledge their existence. And over a period of time, these threads fade away, loose their sheen, colour, shine and most importantly its strength. Just like any other old and useless commodity they will be thrown away or tucked in some dark unknown corner of our hearts!! With the passage of time, one day when those threads are tugged, there is a downpour of vivid memories and emotions. Have you ever t...