Wish List - 2013

It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are still alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them.”― George Eliot 

Source: Google Images

Off late one of the most wonderful lessons I learnt is that just like happiness, love when chased eludes you but the moment you sit quietly it will come and surround you in abundance. Being loved is such a blissful state to be in as it makes you listen to all those tiny voices your heart has which otherwise go unheard.

I have always loved wishing - big and small. You must have guessed that by now looking at my various wishlists. So the moment I felt the gloomy clouds were surrounding me, I decided to make another one - to listen to what my heart is saying, to feel good and to also know what to do next. 

Sharing a part of me, my dreams, my wishes and my desires with you~

  • Sit in a merry go round 
  • Learn singing (Ahem ahem not for any Indian Idol but for myself!)
  • Learn guitar ( Yaaram inspired me which was long forgotten after listening to Chura liya hai)
  • Dance one day like there is no tomorrow just the way I used to before for hours together
  • Own a house 
  • Be in an unknown place all by myself for a week
  • Join a dance class and perform once on Bezubaan and O re piya
  • Travel as much as I can in the next one year
  • Let my hair down once and have fun w/o worrying what others will think
  • Meet my blogger friends (No, I am not naming anyone. But I am sure you all know that I really want to meet you!!) Update: Yup am striking only the first word because I met some of them. Will cross all when have met all of them.
  • Learn car driving and buy one 
  • Work on a book for submission to publishers (Yessss finally I feel like that moment has come) Update: In progress
  • Dress smartly in western clothes one day (Specially an LBD!!)

Not too big, neither too small but yes full of hope and desires is what this wishlist is made of. Keeping my fingers crossed as I tread on this path carefully towards making this dream a reality. After all it is rightly said ~

Source: Google Images

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