My New Year Resolutions

A New Year is incomplete without resolutions. So here I am sharing my resolutions for this new year 2012:

  • To not tolerate people who are reckless with my heart [ I know I am quoting a line from a very famous song here :)]
  • To weed away the negativity from my life in terms of everything - people, things and thoughts.
  • To let people know when it hurts, how much it hurt and why it hurts.
  • To say NO when I want to.
  • To not let others take me for granted.
  • To not let others treat me like @#%*
  • To not cling to people for support thinking I need them while all the while the only thing they are doing is trampling my self confidence below their feet.

A lot has been said or rather should I say predicted about this year, but I don't think that should deter us from planning or dreaming about what the future has in store for us.

What are your New Year resolutions?  Do share them with Me...

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