10 things to learn from Mahi Way

So, guys and gals presenting the 10 thing's we could learn from Mahi’s Way to ensure we keep on smiling forever!!

1. Stand by your friends come whatever may. Through thick and thin, they are the ones who will be there for you and help you find the positive side when things go wrong.

2. Be proud of what you are and as you are. Hold your head high, take a deep breath and then step out in the sun gals. [Remember the confidence with which Mahi carries herself in front of all those fashion fiestas!!] You are what you are. You have the right to dress up, look beautiful and deserve all the good things in the world as much as anybody else does. So what are you waiting for????

3. Family fundas - Its all about loving your family which includes Dadi, Bua, Ma, papa, Sister, brother, Jiju, niece and any one else remotely closer to sharing the set of parents / siblings as yours.
Family after all is the only place you can run to at any time without any thoughts of “what would they think?” They are the ones who accept you as you are for what you are with what you are!! And don’t forget to forget and forgive their mistakes as easily as possible to ensure happy endings always.

4. Never say DIE. Come whatever may, never let your attitude go away. A failure in a project, a broken affair, a fight with your best friend, an argument with your boss, unruly co-workers, demanding Mom, unrealistic siblings…all these though they seem like are never the end of the world. They are just some bumps in the long wonderful journey of life where at some point your life will turn for good and then these all will seem like a distant memory.

5. Keep dreaming…because dreams are the seeds from which beautiful tomorrow’s grow. Don’t let anything and mind you ANYTHING means anything deter you from dreaming of a beautiful tomorrow.
You can too can have your Mr. Perfect – Tall, dark and handsome who will love you madly. And yes you too can create wonders in your workplace with your talent.  However unrealistic it may be, don’t stop dreaming darlings!!

[To be contd.....]

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