Appreciate and Expect~ This week

SALT ~ This week ~ Appreciate

If someone were to ask what made you blog? I don't have any fairy tale story where since childhood I dreamt of writing and publishing my book someday. Though I was good in essay writing and debates in my school , my writing was only limited to that. I enjoyed writing the poetry the most. I always wanted to be a poet and never thought I could write I mean write such things. I have a collection of some 50-60 poems and dreamt of taking the number to 100 before getting it published. Thats about it.

Almost 2 years ago sometime in early 2010 I visited one of my friends at her place where she showed me her blog proudly and started discussing it very animatedly. My immediate reaction was ' Hey wow that's interesting. I can also do this....' [ Point to be noted here : I was not a net savvy person at least at that time and was completely aware about all these things. My net surfing being limited to checking my mails once in 15 days :)]

She gave me a puzzled look and said 'You ? Are you sure? You know you need to be humorous in your writings thats when people read it. However stupid it may sound it should make people laugh. You are so serious types. I don't think it is a great idea. Please don't do such a would make a joke of yourself.' To say I was hurt would be a small statement then but I left it at that. Somewhere this left a mark on my psyche and it would pinch me every time thinking I could write funny things at all. In the mean while I was constantly writing for my company's In house magazine and had received positive feedback. I started  writing personalized emails / letters to my friends and family which were hugely appreciated. But then my writing was limited to that world only. I never thought of venturing into the then-unknown world of blogging - partly thanks to my friend for scaring the wits out of me.

7th March 2011 - When one of my colleagues started blogging he told me to join it as he knew I was fond of writing. When I narrated the above incident he told me there is unique reader for every unique emotion. You should write for yourself and not what people think about it.That's when Privy Trifles was born. And the rest as they say is history.

Had that colleague of mine never showed me this aspect of writing maybe I would have believed my friend's words to be true and called it quits even before starting.

Lesson Learnt :A small act of appreciation can actually create wonders in someone's world without you realizing it.

PEPPER ~ This week ~ Expect

Last year ended on a sad note as I lost 3 people in my life. One to death and two to life. Funny it may seem but it is true. I lost them because I found myself compromising too much on my self respect. And they thought it was ego.

I think all three of us were expecting different things from each other which when not fulfilled resulted into a sense of frustration. For some time I quit expecting also from them but then I started feeling being taken for granted too much. The list of expectations seemed to be endless. That is when I decided to call it quits. I chose being called egoistic and still went ahead with this decision. Though it does hurt sometimes because I feel lonely but I don't repent my decision as I feel peace with myself. I stopped expecting and let go of those people whose expectations I could not fulfill.

Lesson Learnt : Expectations sometimes act as poison in relationships.

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