With Love

This is a letter to one of the most beautiful aspect in my life which is very close to my heart.............
...My BLOG. However ridiculous it might seem I need to confess I am in love with it and I have no qualms admitting it.
My Dearest,

Most of the beautiful things in life are better left unsaid and just understood by the heart. But sometimes it becomes important to pen down thoughts only for keepsakes. For me it is all the more important to let YOU know what I think of you.

8th March 2011 - The day when you came into my life has been a truly memorable moment for me. It marked the beginning of a new journey in my life.  It was as if suddenly a plethora of doors were opened for me to enter a new world.You made me realise I could make a difference with my words. You helped me touch hearts and make someone smile through my words. You made me see a very different world which was full of endless possibilities. On this journey you also introduced me to some wonderful fellow bloggers who taught and inspired me through their words.Most importantly you gave me a place where I could just be "ME". No fear of being ridiculed upon, laughed at or be the target of opinions.

There have been times when I have experimented with you crazily [ to the extent of almost losing you once !!GULP!!] but you have always borne with me patiently and entertained all my whims and fancies with a smile.Owning to many things at times I am unable to give you proper time and attention but you have always welcomed me with a warm hug making my guilt runaway.

Just when I am at loss of words; this one's for YOU:

HUGSSSSSSSS [ Image Source : Google Images]

I can't promise there won't be things better in future for me but I can definitely promise ~ You will always be special as you are the one with whom I took the first baby steps towards this.This is the just the beginning and in a typical Robert Frost style ' There are miles to go before we sleep.' You are and will always be the most beautiful aspect of my life.

मेरी जिंदगी का सबसे बड़ा ख्वाब और सबसे बड़ी हकीकत हो तुम.

Hoping this bond grows stronger with the passage of time where I evolve more as a person along with you. I wish we touch more hearts, make difference and spread more smiles all across.



P.S : I know this was long due and would have been apt on your 1st birthday but better late than never as today you are just a month over a year old.

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