My first award

In every thing that we do in life, the 'firsts' are always special. First school, first crush, first love, first vehicle, first job, first salary.....the list is endless. Today is a very special day for me as I have received my first award today from Nikky.

Here's my award:


Is n't it cute??

Now the rules;
  • Include the award logo somewhere in your blog.
  • Answer these 10 questions, below, for fun if you want to.
  • Nominate 10 to 12 blogs you enjoy. Or you pick the number.
  • Pay the love forward: Provide your nominee’s link in your post and comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been included and invited to participate.
  • Pay the love back with gratitude and a link to the blogger(s) who nominated you.
I would opt to answer those questions,more for the happiness this award has brought:

  1. What is your favorite colour? White
  2. What is your favorite animal? Lion
  3. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?Chocolate milk shake
  4. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter? Neither - though I am not on Twitter.
  5. What is your favorite pattern? Criss cross
  6. Do you prefer giving or getting presents? Giving 
  7. What is your favorite number? 6
  8. What is your favorite day of the week? Saturday
  9. What is your favorite flower? Rajnigandha
  10. What’s your passion? Living life to the fullest each moment
I loved reading all those beautiful blogs out there as I feel each one of us has some unique tale to share. So I would like to keep my nominations open. Each one of you who reads this, please feel free to consider yourself nominated and take it forward!!
Last but not the least, thank you so much Nikky from the bottom of my heart. This award means a lot to me and am glad that you enjoy reading my blog so much. As this is my first award it will always carry a special place for Me.

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