I promise....

As another enticing year comes to end, I would like to gift you Eleven Promises in memory of the wonderful 2011 that we spent knowing each other, fighting, arguing and parting ways only to meet again. Wishing you more such lovely times ahead to create memories that last a lifetime!

I promise  ∞
  • Never to judge you on what others say about you.
  • To always hold your hand in touch times and hug you at triumphant times, to try to give you a patient listening in times of trouble and hear even the unspoken.
  • To understand every time when my calls/ messages go unanswered
  • To give you your space and respect your beliefs
  • To never jump to conclusions based on what is in sight.
  • Not to shout at you when you have landed yourself in trouble, rather stand by you to resolve the crisis.
  • Never let down your trust on me.
  • To always try to be that “FRIEND” you need in your life; a banyan tree standing under which you feel safe on a rainy day.
  • To never fight your battles for you
  • To never take you for granted.

Though it is said Promises are meant to be broken, I don’t intend to break any of these promises. Looking forward to more such terrific times which add interesting chapters to our book of life…

Happy New Year

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